Zoraida Calle

Zoraida Calle

Program Coordinator, ELTI Colombia; Researcher, CIPAV - CIPAV

Native woody species in silvopastoral systems: Reconciling cattle ranchers and trees

Virtual Event

April 25, 2023 - 12:00 PM

Native trees and palms provide direct benefits to tropical cattle systems through the production of timber and edible fruits for livestock, and indirect benefits through shade, nitrogen fixation, soil conservation, and natural biological control of pests. However, few native trees and palms are actively managed by cattle ranchers in Latin America. This talk discusses approaches for increasing the density and diversity of native woody plants in cattle dominated landscapes. Criteria such as the direct benefits of trees for livestock production are combined with cultural and aesthetic values, and the provision of habitat and food resources for wildlife, to identify native trees and palms of global conservation concern that can be planted or managed in silvopastoral systems and riparian buffers. Pasturelands offer a great opportunity for ecological restoration in Latin America. Promoting a larger diversity of native trees and palms in silvopastoral systems and restoration projects is an important step in mainstreaming biodiversity in cattle ranching.

Speaker Biography

Zoraida Calle is a Colombian biologist, plant ecologist and researcher based at CIPAV (the Center for Research on Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems). Since 2017, she coordinates ELTI’s Colombia Program. Throughout her carrier she has been a restoration scientist, practitioner, and trainer. The group led by Zoraida at CIPAV combines applied and participatory research with the execution of restoration projects in areas affected by landslides and severe erosion. Her publications focus on the ecology of native trees, silvopastoral systems, agroforestry, agroecology, and ecological restoration. Zoraida manages a small dairy family farm that has been her restoration school for several decades.



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